Gas Chromatograph Portable Enclosure Skid

interior of Portable enclosure skid


  • Rosemount™ 370XA Gas Chromatograph
  • Custom process gas sampling reel assembly with associated carrier, actuation, and calibration gas bottles
  • Nitrogen purged electrical enclosure
  • Custom power supply system integrating 120VAC input power and solar charged backup batteries


SIT was approached by a valued client with a unique application involving the dual fuel system on their 2500HP Tier 4 diesel engines. In this system, the diesel fuel can be substituted with natural gas coming directly from a variety of onsite sources. This practice significantly reduces operating expenses by lowering the overall fuel costs via the ability to replace between 65% to 85% of the diesel with natural gas.

SIT’s challenge in this situation was to generate a standalone gas analyzation package that could sample the natural gas source from up to 100 ft away, feed that sample through a compact gas chromatograph (GC) and then communicate the results wirelessly to a centralized control network. Gas chromatographs are widely used across the oil and gas industry to analyze hydrocarbon content (C6+) as well as provide a comprehensive BTU analysis in various gas streams. In this case, this package included all necessary carrier, actuation and calibration gases to run the GC, as well as a separate nitrogen purged electrical enclosure. The electrical enclosure houses the computer, radio, ethernet switch, and all necessary hardware to facilitate a solar power system with redundancy to run on entirely 120 VAC input power. Given that this package would be the first of its kind, the customer wanted this to be a mobile solution that could easily be lifted into a truck bed and transported to any worksite across their large geographic operating footprint.

Due to the large cost impacts resulting from inconsistency of gas quality across the variety of gas sources the customer faced, the project demanded a viable solution be expedited as quickly as possible. SIT designed and developed a complete package for this solution, alongside our client partner, in only six (6) weeks’ time, with the unit fully operational and in the field after only nine (9) weeks. The customer was extremely pleased with SIT’s ability to comprehensively develop such a unique package tailored to their specific application, in such a short window.