Terms of Use

This Terms of Use Statement applies only to this website (including its sub-domains) which is owned,  offered or operated by or on behalf of Employee Owned Holdings, Inc., a Texas Corporation, and/or any  of its affiliates (collectively “EOHI”) (such sites collectively referred to herein as the “EOHI Website”). BY  USING THE EOHI WEBSITE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO THESE TERMS OF USE. If you do not agree to these  Terms of Use, you may not access or otherwise use the EOHI Website. 

1. Site Security 

You are hereby prohibited from violating, or attempting to violate, the security of this site. Any such  violations may result in criminal and/or civil penalties against you. We will investigate any alleged or  suspected violations and if a criminal violation is suspected, we will cooperate with law enforcement  agencies in their investigations. Violations of the security of the site include without limitation: 

∙ attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of any system or network; 

∙ tampering, hacking, modifying or otherwise corrupting or breaching security or authentication  measures; 

∙ logging into or attempting to log into a server or account that you are not authorized to access; 

∙ accessing data or taking any action to obtain data, information or services not intended for you  or your use; 

∙ transmitting material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots,  corrupted files or other computer programming routines or engines or engage in conduct that  could damage, disrupt or otherwise impair or interfere with a computer’s functionality or the  operation of the site. 

2. Other Prohibited Activity. 

In using this site, you must not: 

∙ post, send or otherwise transmit to or through the site any unlawful, infringing, harmful,  harassing, defamatory, threatening, vulgar, sexually explicit, hateful or otherwise objectionable  material of any kind, any material that exploits children or is invasive of or in breach of another  person’s privacy or other rights or any material that EOHI in its sole discretion does not wish  posted or transmitted on the site; 

∙ defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of  privacy and publicity) of others; 

∙ misrepresent your identity or affiliation in any way; 

∙ engage in deceptive online marketing;

∙ upload or otherwise make available, files that contain images, software or other material  protected by intellectual property laws, including without limitation copyright or trademark laws  and rights of publicity and privacy unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received  all necessary authorizations to do the same; 

∙ violate any applicable laws or regulations; or 

∙ assist or permit any persons in engaging in any of the activities described above. 3. User Submissions 

You must exercise caution, good sense and sound judgment in using the site. You are responsible for any  material you place on or transmit to or through the site. You agree, represent and warrant that any  information you post to or transmit through the site is truthful, accurate, not misleading and offered in  good faith, and that you have the right to post or transmit such information. Such information (including  without limitation, data, text, software, graphics or any other materials whatsoever), whether publicly  posted or privately transmitted, is your sole responsibility. 

4. Unsolicited Ideas 

You must not transmit any material to or through this site that you consider to be confidential or  proprietary. Any material that you transmit to or through this site will be considered non-confidential and  non-proprietary. This policy serves to avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes regarding ownership  of ideas. Except as expressly provided in the Privacy Statement or in a separate written agreement  between you and EOHI, you give EOHI an unrestricted, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use,  reproduce, display, publicly perform, transit and distribute such information. You further agree that EOHI has the right to use, without any payment or accounting to you or others, any concepts, know-how or  ideas that you (and those who act on your behalf) transmit to or through this site. 

5. Copyright 

The material made available at this site is protected by copyright. No material from this site may be copied,  reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way without written  permission of the copyright owner, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single  computer and produce one printed copy for your personal, noncommercial use only, provided you keep  intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for  any other purpose is a violation of EOHI’s and/or third parties’ copyright and other proprietary rights.  Permission for all other uses of materials contained herein must be obtained from EOHI in advance. For  purposes of this Agreement, the use of any such material on any other website or networked computer  environment is prohibited. All design rights, databases and compilation and other intellectual property  rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered, and related goodwill are proprietary to EOHI or  third parties.

6. Trademarks 

All trademarks, service marks, logos and trade names, whether registered or unregistered, are proprietary  to EOHI or to other companies where so indicated. You may not reproduce, download or otherwise use  any such trademarks, service marks, logos or trade names without the prior written consent of the  appropriate owner thereof. 

7. Links to Other websites 

As you view this site, you may notice links to websites not owned by EOHI. These links are for convenience  only. EOHI is not responsible for the availability or content of these sites or for any viruses or other  damaging elements encountered in linking to a third party website. In addition, providing links to these  sites should not be interpreted as endorsement or approval by EOHI of the organizations sponsoring the  sites or their products or services. 

8. Jurisdictional Issues 

This site is controlled and operated by EOHI from its offices within the State of Texas, United States of  America. EOHI makes no representation that materials in the site are appropriate or available for use in  other locations. Those who choose to access this site from other locations do so on their own initiative  and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable. Access  to this site from jurisdictions where the contents of this site are illegal or penalized is prohibited.  

9. Termination  

This agreement is effective until terminated by either party. You may terminate this agreement at any  time by destroying all materials obtained from this site and all related documentation and all copies and  installations thereof, whether made under the terms of this agreement or otherwise. This agreement will  terminate immediately without notice from EOHI if in EOHI’s sole discretion you fail to comply with any  term or provision of this agreement. Upon termination, you must destroy all materials obtained from this  site and all copies thereof, whether made under the terms of this agreement or otherwise. The provisions  of this Terms of Use Statement concerning site security, prohibited activity, copyrights, trademarks, user  submissions, disclaimer, limitation of liability, indemnity, governing law and jurisdiction shall survive any  termination of this agreement. 

10. Disclaimer 

The materials in this site are provided “AS IS” and without warranties of any kind either express or implied.  To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, EOHI disclaims all warranties, express or  implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular  purpose. EOHI does not warrant that the functions contained in the materials will be uninterrupted or  error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of  viruses or other harmful components. EOHI does not make any representations or warranties regarding  the use or the results of the use of the materials in this site in terms of their correctness, accuracy,  reliability, or otherwise. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above  exclusion may not apply to you.

11. Limitation of Liability 

To the extent permitted under applicable law, under no circumstances, including, but not limited to,  negligence, shall EOHI be liable for any compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages that  result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials in this site, even if EOHI or an authorized  representative of EOHI has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Applicable law may not allow  the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, and so to that extent the  above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. In no event shall EOHI’s total liability to you for all  damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence)  or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you to EOHI, if any, for using this site. 

12. Indemnity 

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold EOHI, its affiliates and any of its and their directors, employees,  agents and contractors harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, costs (including  without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees) or other expenses that arise directly or indirectly out of or  from (i) your breach of this agreement; and/or (ii) your activities in connection with this website. 

13. Other 

As used throughout this site, the term “EOHI” and such terms as “the company,” “the corporation,” “our,”  “we” and “us” may refer to one or more or all of Employee Owned Holdings, Inc.’s consolidated  subsidiaries. All of these terms are used for convenience only and are not intended as a precise  designation of any of the separate companies, each of which manages its own affairs. 

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas,  without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. If any provision of this agreement shall be  unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this  agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. This is the entire  agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter herein and shall not be modified except in  writing. 

15. Changes to Terms of Use Statement 

EOHI may revise this Terms of Use Statement at any time without notice. Although EOHI will endeavor to  highlight any changes to this Statement, you should revisit this site periodically to make sure you are  aware of the most recent terms, because they will be binding on you. Your use of the website after such  changes constitutes your agreement to abide by such changes. 

If you have any questions or complaints regarding this Terms of Use Statement, please email us at  info@eoh-inc.com and we will endeavor to respond to you promptly. 

Updated: January 2014